About the Writer
(Who Is Dan?)
Dan Fields hails from Houston, Texas, where he lives with his wife and two children. He absconded with a film degree from Northwestern University in 2006, and has worked in a variety of media disciplines including music, photography, video, animation, fiction, criticism and even the odd (very odd) sculpture. In the late 2000s he was frontman of the Chicago chaos-and-blues act Howlin' Tumbleweeds, and he is a founding member, songwriter and performer for the Lone Star blues, country and rock band Polecat Rodeo (established 2010).
Since 2015, Dan has published dozens of stories of horror and the weird with Pseudopod, Nocturnal Transmissions, The NoSleep Podcast, Sanitarium Magazine, Grotesque Quarterly, Hellbound Books, Novel Noctule, Cowboy Jamboree Press, Frontier Tales, Improbable Press, Weird Christmas and more. His fiction has been broadcast (or rather podcast) in multiple accents across the English-speaking world, and has also been translated into Russian by the poet Katarina Vorontsova for Darker Magazine.
In July 2020, his story "And Every Living Thing After Its Kind" was anthologized in the 10th edition of the Kendall Hunt college textbook Analyzing Short Stories.
In 2021, he released an original story collection entitled Under Worlds, After Lives, which a reviewer for HorrorNews.net called "an immensely compelling anthology that preys upon your subconscious long after the final pages."
In 2024, Torrid Waters and Crystal Lake Entertainment published the horror novel Harvest Time, which Dan co-authored with Chris Robinson and Joe Filipas.
Dan and Chris have also published several collaborative stories, under the joint pseudonym "Lyman Graves," with the likes of Swamp Ape Review, Grotesque Quarterly, Nocturnal Transmissions, and The Great Void. Red Room Press included Lyman's story "When The Owls Call" in their anthology Year's Best Hardcore Horror, Volume 4.